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The Kaleido messaging service offers a Kafka-backed bilateral app-to-app pipeline for the encryption, submission and decryption of messages between members of an environment. Apps can securely subscribe to pertinent topics for consumption and delivery of data, without reliance on ancillary messaging constructs and subsequent integration of offline data. The service leverages the On-Chain Registry to establish and verify membership identities. Messages are automatically encrypted and signed, thereby ensuring that only the intended recipient can access the content while also providing proof of the sender’s identity.
The REST API in this document describes how to manage App2App destinations. These operations can also be done through the Kaleido console. For more information visit
To send and receive messages create an app credential and use it to connect to the API:
Code snippets for sending and receiving messages can be found here:
Creates a destination.
destination_name required | string Destination name. Allowed characters [a-z] [0-9] [- , _ , .] maximum length 44 |
kaleido_managed | boolean True: Kaleido will generate and manage the destination key. False: customer will generate key externally and upload public certificate to ID-Registry. |
{- "kaleido_managed": true
{- "result": "string",
- "action": "string"